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A Wedding {Photography by Amy Payne}

July 12, 2011 A Wedding 6 Comments
A Wedding {Photography by Amy Payne}

As some of you know, I got married last January to my wife Damaris. The wedding was in Santa Barbara (could it be anywhere else?) and it was a beautiful day spent amongst friends and family.

We were also fortunate enough to have our incredibly talented friend Amy Payne shoot the wedding. She did a beautiful job and we are thrilled with the results.

Here are a few of the less sappy ones…and a few good shots at Municipal Winemakers with Dave Potter. … Continue Reading

A Dress – MaryLinns Bridal

January 13, 2011 A Wedding 6 Comments
A Dress – MaryLinns Bridal

I love many things about Santa Barbara. The architecture, the parks, the weather, the proximity to both mountain and sea and of course the wine. But I also love the community feel, people in Santa Barbara know each other, there is a sense of genuine community.

So it should be no surprise that when it came to buying a wedding dress, we went local. Directly across the street from Cafe Buenos Aires where we will have our reception, and below the office of one of Damaris’ clients is Mary Linn’s Bridal. It is a beautiful shop situated directly next to the stunning Arlington Theater. … Continue Reading

A Reception – Cafe Buenos Aires

January 10, 2011 A Wedding 2 Comments
A Reception – Cafe Buenos Aires

In about three weeks, I embark on a new voyage. It isn’t into the wines of Oregon, or Spain, or even France (although I should do that). No, my voyage is a voyage of two, a husband and a wife.

It is a marvelous thing to marry a person you love, a person that makes you a better human being. It is also marvelously exciting, and terrifying, and stressful! But I am looking forward to my changed personal state, it will be a wonderful thing.

Without getting on a vanity box and going on and on about MY wedding, and MY plans, I do want to use ALP to provide exposure to a few people who are helping with this exciting event. Behind any good weeding is a long list of dedicated and talented people.

We start today with the food and wine, a great place to start. … Continue Reading


Bonny Doon: Day of the Doon IX {Photo Essay}

September 22, 2011

Bonny Doon: Day of the Doon IX {Photo Essay}

We have grown rather accustomed to long trips for short stays, so much so that a 500 mile weekend is not such a big deal anymore. There are a lot of events we are invited to and we can only attend a few of them. But when Randall Graham asks you to attend, you attend. […]

Secret Project {the reveal}

August 17, 2011

Secret Project {the reveal}

A few weeks ago I posted the “Secret Project” with some shots of  a friend’s new winery taking shape. At the time, the space was still in a raw state, holes in the ground, bare walls, cut concrete. In terms of photographing a new winery, one might say there was not much to see, no […]