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A Wedding {Photography by Amy Payne}

July 12, 2011 A Wedding 6 Comments

As some of you know, I got married last January to my wife Damaris. The wedding was in Santa Barbara (could it be anywhere else?) and it was a beautiful day spent amongst friends and family.

We were also fortunate enough to have our incredibly talented friend Amy Payne shoot the wedding. She did a beautiful job and we are thrilled with the results.

Here are a few of the less sappy ones…and a few good shots at Municipal Winemakers with Dave Potter.

Check out Amy’s work here: Belliveau Photography

Currently there are "6 comments" on this Article:

  1. Courtney says:

    Love the feel of the vintage shots. I recently became engaged and loving seeing wedding photos. Yours didn’t disappoint! (My personal fav was the shot with your blue striped socks) ChEErS!

  2. Amanda says:

    Love it!

  3. Wayne says:

    Thanks Courtney! Yeah we like the vintage look too and you can never go wrong with stripped socks! When is the big day? Congrats!

  4. Joey Davalos says:

    Love the photos and back ground music!

  5. Wayne says:

    Thanks Joey!

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