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Linne Calodo – The Harvest {Photo Essay}

December 15, 2011 Fifty-Two Weeks No Comments

2011 took us many places. While the travel schedule was less hectic than 2010’s 5,000+ mile marathon, we still did our fair share of road miles and met numerous interesting people.

From meeting three cult icons of California wine (I have yet to write about two of them) in the same week, to being on hand for the naming ceremony of Popelouchum, Randall Grahm’s new vineyard, our experiences were wide and varied. While we try to experience as much as we can in this industry, there were a few experiences that stood out from the year.

One was night harvesting Pinot Noir under a nearly full moon at Clos Pepe with Wes Hagen. Their Sta. Rita Hills estate has become a special place for us and it was a real eye opener to actually get our hands dirty and fill-up some buckets with delicious tiny grapes. I only wish I had pictures, but we were working, not shooting.

The second event that continues to have a big impact on us, and me in particular, were the four days we spent at Linne Calodo in November, just a few days after Matt Trevisan brought in the last of his fruit. I was already impressed with Matt, but this sealed the deal.

From November 10th to the 14th, Damaris and I, along with our friend Josh, had a unique opportunity to help make wine with one of the most cutting edge producers in California (cult producer #1 of 3 by the way). Over those few days of long hours doing punch downs and pump overs, Linne Calodo briefly became our home. The notion of “home” has been central to all of my musings on Matt and Linne Calodo, for in fact Linne Calodo is Matt’s home and his life’s work.

Late at night, as I stood over a tank of fermenting Syrah, sweating in an effort to turn it into wine, as some great song played over the speaker system, I would often stop to watch Matt. High above the winery floor, on top of one of his massive concrete tanks of Grenache, Matt would be poured into his work. In those moments, in this his home, everything that didn’t matter was washed away. There were no stories, no idle talk, just a man alone at his work, completely immersed in his craft. This I have tried to capture some way in image.

They were incredibly peaceful times as we allowed ourselves to be lost in the work. Grueling at times, but rewarding. I will never forget it.

Song: “Home” – Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros

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