The Travels {August}
We travel a lot. Not just for A Long Pour, but in general. It seems we are always moving around and popping up in some unexpected place doing some unexpected thing.
We were privlidged to be invited to a few great places in the last few weeks and we wanted to share them with you.
Alta Colina: Located just off of Adelaida Road a few minuets from downtown Paso Robles, this is truly an inspired site. With 360 degree views of both East and West Paso, it is a stunning site. We also happen to like the people of Alta Colina very much too!
2725 Adelaida Rd., Paso Robles
Clos Pepe: We have featured and supported Clos Pepe and Winemaker Wes Hagen many times on A Long Pour. There are two reasons: Wes is fantastic and he makes perhaps one of the best Chardonnays I have ever had (an Ode to Chablis). A few weeks ago, he debuted a few of his soon to be released 2010’s. Both the Chardonnay and Pinot were stunning, with the Pinot being the best I think he has made yet!
Alta Maria: These are one of our favorite producers, not just in Santa Barbara, but anywhere. Just a few weeks ago, they opened their new tasting room in downtown Los Olivos. It is a perfect blend of rugged style and sophystication that suits them well. Here they pour their Alta Maria, Native9, and Autonom wines.
2933 Grand Ave, Suite A, Los Olivos.
Municipal Winemakers: Another new tasting room! This one is just a few steps from the old Muni on the Urban Wine Trail in downtown Santa Barbara. Owner Dave Potter’s style is unmatched and his new wines are my favorite to date. Don’t you love the bear?!
Grand Opening is September 1oth! 22 Anacapa St., Santa Barbara
Recommended viewing, 720p or higher
Song: Mogwai – “Rano Pano”
Cool photos and post! Really digging your site and what you do! Keep it up!
I’ve been fortunate enough to drink many of these wines too and must agree! Alta Colina is banging out a really nice GSM and look forward to seeing them at the Garagiste Festival in Paso (Nov 12) along with Tercero, Storm, and Jalama.
I’m hoping to get in on some of the harvest with Wes in Clos Pepe this month and love love their wines too! Alta Maria and Municpal I’ve tasted and really like, but need to get to the new tasting rooms.
Shawn, thank you for the kind words!
I agree on all your points. I too am looking forward to trying to get out to Wes’ for some Pinot picks this year. I will also be at the Garagiste Fest. Maybe we will meet up. Look for Ground Effect Wine, they will be one of the best things there for sure!
Both Muni and Alta Maria tasting rooms are great. Muni’s is particularly fun.
As usual, I’m uber jelly. Traveling, wine tasting, meeting winemakers and taking awesome pics makes me want to trade in this desert landscape and neon city lights for a life like yours! Here’s to wishing!
I am just a girl living my dream, except I am a boy.