A Long Pour

There are, much like wineries, myriads of blogs in this world. Just about any topic you can think of, there is blog that covers it (go ahead and try, google any word you like with the word “blog” after it and see what you find. My favorite is blog blog). Wine is no exception with hundreds even thousands dedicated to every aspect of the fermented grape. Some have huge followings and have even become influential forces within the wine community. Others are little more than one person’s quest to share their wine experiences with others, or to prove their personal knowledge and snobbery of the subject. Perhaps, this later point is what lead Anthony Dias Blue, Editor-in-Chief of The Tasting Panel Magazine to refer to wine bloggers as “…bitter, carping gadflies who, as they stare into their computer screens and contemplate their dreary day jobs, let their resentment and sense of personal failure take shape as vicious attacks on the established critical media.”
Ah…Mr. Dias Blue, I believe you are often correct! For I am one such bitter gadfly who … Continue Reading